Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Michael Pollan Summary "Why Bother?"

Why Bother? ...
The article by Michael Pollan discusses reasons to NOT GIVE UP on decreasing your carbon foot print. He explains that one person can make a difference by setting the example for other people to follow. He believes that "conciousness will be raised"  and possibly harmful habits can be changed. He gives several ideas as to how this could be done. For example, he says a person could stop eating meat, stop all economic/driving activity for a day, and most importantly start their own garden. Pollan states that growing yor own produce can make a big difference. He says "It's estimated that they way we feed ourselves...accounts for a fifth of greenhouse gas for which each of us is responsible." Pollan references that problems with climate change are in the near future, and coaxes his readers to try to make a change before it is too late. Something that he repeated through his text was that, newly developed nations (China, etc.) where not concious of the climate change, and that if Americans became concious  "...a process of viral social change..." could occur throughout the world.

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